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Work Forthcoming:

"Sugar Magnolia" and "caloric chronology" with Breathe Bold Literary Magazine

"Lovesick in Celestial Chasm" with Tones of Citrus

"Hallucinogenic Lorrhea" with All Existing Literary Magazine 

"Fore(dis)closure" and "S W E E T" with Forgotten Ground Regained

"Fore(dis)closure" with Hindsight 


"Cribbed Annotation," "As My Fingers Slip," and "Ego Rebirth" in Inside Out Literary Magazine

Debut Chapbook, "Sap Semantics," with Bottlecap Press


"Sweet," "I Wish I Were A Painting," and "Ego Rebirth" in Antonym Lit's May 2022 Issue

"Degas' Muse," "Lakshmi," "Bottom Feeder," and "Reveries of late loves lost and  longed for" in Antonym Lit's December 2022 Issue

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